Well, the CEO panelists for “Exits – Traps and Triumphs” at Drexel did not disappoint the audience one bit. Jean Anne Booth, Founder and CEO of UnaliWear, Paul Litwack, CEO of Axcentria Pharmaceuticals, Gerie DiPiano, Chairman, President and CEO of FemmePharma Healthcare, and Lars Bjork, former Founder and CEO of Qlik Technologies each came with […]
due diligence
Buying In – Cybersecurity Risk and Due Diligence
Cybersecurity issues are deal breakers. In a recent survey on software mergers and acquisitions conducted by West Monroe Partners, more than half of the respondents surveyed reported discovering a cybersecurity problem after deal closing. Cybersecurity issues were the second-most common reason that deals were killed, and the second-most common reason buyers and investors regretted doing […]
Cyber Security Problems in M&A – Real, Not Imagined, and Hitting Hard
Cyber security problems in M&A deals are no longer for the other guy to worry about. If you think that it is only software, communications and related information technology companies that are impacted by cyber security issues before, during and after their sale, then you are flirting with potential disaster and real hard money losses […]
Be Prepared! Because “Startups get bought, not sold”
It also means that just as each part of your detailed business action plan is imagined, devised and implemented, the exit action plan is likewise prepared and acted upon with the same degree of intensity and thoroughness. It’s very simple – Be Prepared!
Cyber Security Before, During and After Your Sale – Part II
No doubt that cyber security is a key risk in business, but more specifically in mergers and acquisitions. Certainly, logic says that the larger and more diverse the entity, the more complicated the information technology environment will be, but so too will be the resources to adequately handle due diligence scrutiny. For small and medium […]
Cyber Security Before, During and After Your Sale – Part I
The crazy, convoluted and confusing process that is your exit transaction is made more so today by the awareness and inclusion of cyber security risks, due diligence and integration issues and impacts. Size does not matter at all when it comes to cyber security. Because you use a computer, a smartphone, a network and other […]